What should I do when my Joliet home alarm system goes off?

Your home security system safeguards your property – and your family members – against the many risks you might face, like break-ins, flooding, and fire. Even though your home might be prepared, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are. Do you know what to do if your Joliet home alarm system goes off? The blaring of an alarm is often startling, disorienting, and might cause panic. Your best option is to stay composed and follow these easy suggestions.
Actions to Take When Your Home Alarm System In Joliet Goes Off
It’s a circumstance nobody desires to encounter, but it’s also why you installed a home alarm system originally. You’re roused in the middle of the night with the distinct sounding of an alarm after a security sensor has been activated. So what are you going to do?
- Try not to panic. This is easy to say but harder to do when your home security alarm is blaring, and your heart is beating rapidly. But keeping yourself calm is the most effective way to evaluate the situation. Avoid the temptation of trying to handle the emergency alone but instead let your monitoring specialists and first responders carry out their job.
- Protect your family. Your primary concern should be your loved ones and leading them out of harm’s way. In the event of a burglary, this might include going to a designated secure area as far away from entrances as possible. It’s likely that your alarm already frightened away the invader, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If there’s fumes or flames, you ought to leave your residence right away.
- Don’t forget your smartphone. Nowadays, the majority of people carry their cell phones constantly with them, but you may forget to take it during a crisis. Try to remember it. You’ll be able to keep in contact with your monitoring experts and obtain notifications through your home security app.
Collaborate With Your Round-the-clock Monitoring Agents
The moment your home alarm system in Joliet goes off, your round-the-clock monitoring professionals will act immediately. The first move is to confirm your alarm, and that includes getting in contact with you. The procedure they follow is dependent on the sort of emergency. For instance, if a medical emergency is initiated, one attempt will be made to reach you before assistance is dispatched. In the event of a burglary alarm - the most frequent kind of event - a monitoring specialist will adhere to these steps to get in touch with you:
- An effort will be made to communicate with you via the touchscreen interface. You will usually be required to supply a passcode.
- If that attempt isn’t successful, a call is made to your primary contact number.
- A secondary number or your first contact person is tried next.
- If there still isn’t an answer, area police are dispatched.
- Your monitoring professionals will try to reach you again after the proper authorities are contacted.
If you're not in a position to converse with monitoring staff, that’s OK. Support will still be dispatched even when you're not able to substantiate the emergency.
Be prepared for any situation with a Vivint home alarm system in Joliet
Get prepared for any situation with a state-of-the-art home alarm system in Joliet from Vivint. Dial (815) 427-4864 to begin the customization of your home’s security today.